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Tuesday, March 18, 2014


                                                                        My Nephew.. Cute

Mini horse. My goodness. So cute.

Julian in his Cowboy hat. 

Mama and Julian trying to match

We had a really good time at the Rodeo Parade. Julian loved seeing all the horse's . Here in Arizona the Rodeo is huge. After the parade we were so tired. But great time.

On another note I love the week in work out. But all good things must come to an end. But I will still post my light works outs. I liked how it made me keep note of my process. It really motivated me... With work and school I really need to put I set time to blog every week because I really want to blog more..

Have a great Tuesday Everyone


  1. such great pics, nicole! also, great job on moving your priorities around, too. do what feels right to YOU! xoxo

  2. Great pictures!! He's adorable!!

  3. Love the photos! I was just in Arizona and drove back to Texas on Sunday/Saturday. The weather was so nice! Have a great rest of your week, Nicole!

    1. thank you so much. Nice you came to visit us... hope to visit Texas someday... hope you had a great week.. thanks again Kelli


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