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Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I'm trying to have a better frame of mind with my body getting better very slow sometimes I wish I was not in pain anymore. Enough is Enough. But if I start thinking bad things, that will not help me. A lot of weekends I try to rest and Julian and I do actives at home. But I'm starting to get out more. My pain is getting better day by day it is easier. This weekend we spent time with the Grandparents. We had a great time at the Train Museum. Julian was happy with Joy with all the toy trains. If you got something like this in your town you need to go. The small kids really like it. I even rode on a tiny train. lol .I just need to keep thinking positive because one day the pain in my body will not be so bad..  HAPPY THOUGHTS ..





thank you for letting me share my photo's .... Thanks Nana O. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week in Workout Link up

This week was good I week. I wish my pain level was a little better with my neck .. But I'm getting better with time.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: Physical therapy
Wednesday :30 min walk and played catch with my son.
Thursday: Physical therapy
Friday: 30 mins on the stationary bike 
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest it was a hard week with my pain..


I really wish I could work out harder but I will in time . 
I love using the Sprouts Brand . It's a little less then the other brands.
Hope everyone as a great week. 

Bliss to Bean

Don't forget girls drink your water .

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Please Eat Smart with Veggies and Fruits( Five of my Fav's and what you can do with them )

1. Apples : I love to put apples in a salad. It gives a great taste. So the salad is not so plain.

2. Asparagus : I grill mine. Just put some sea salt on them and grill away. I also bake them. Julian Loves them. We put them in omelets sometimes also.

3. Bananas : Add them to anything cereal,yogurt,peanut butter sandwiches,fruit salad. Julian loves when we mix them with pancakes. yummmmmmmmm :O)

4. Oranges : They are a great snack and when you are sick they help you get the vitamin C you need to recover.

5. Kale or Spinach : My son loves and I do to. When I fry fresh Kale or spinach. All I do is put some Olive oil in the pan fry it up. It taste so good and it still good for you.

I also make Pasta Salad with Tomato's , Green & red or Yellow Bell Peppers , Avocado , carrots and red onion. So good . It last a couple of days so we keep snacking on it. I do Add cheese. I cut it up like Cubes. This is a great way to get in your veggies. ( light italian dressing ) lol

Hope everyone is having a good week

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Sunday, January 19, 2014

Workout link up

This was a crazy week but I did my 2x workouts this week. The two other days I had physical therapy. She starting out I had light workouts.  Just because you body is not the best does not mean you can not workout light. It's better to keep you body moving.

Monday: rest
Tuesday: Physical therapy
Wednesday :20 min walk
Thursday: Physical therapy
Friday: Elliptical 30 mins
Saturday: rest
Sunday: Cleaning that is a workout.. lol

But I also make sure I have been drinking a lot of water.....please drink water..

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From My Life to Our Life

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Joining workout link-up

I'm so exited to be joining the workout link-up. I came across this seeing it on Jenn's bliss to bean blog. Jenn got me into Advocare  and she been a great support system to me with my health. I'm still in physical therapy twice a week so I can only do light workouts. So my plan is to workout 2x a week for about 20-30 mins. It is a very good idea to get your body moving because if you do not your bones start to hurt very bad. That is what my physical therapist told me.  So if anyone would like to Join please link-up every Sunday. You can also find the link on Jenn's bliss to bean , Nikki's from my life to our life and Ashley's sweaty girl fur covered world. Every Sunday we will be sharing are workout's . This will help keep everyone positive.  Happy Health 

From My Life to Our Life

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I'm on this big kick about saving more money. So I started to try to coupon again. I have clipped all the coupons I need for today's trip. But first I want to give some tips for shopping a the grocery store.

1. If your store price matches .. Price match .. When you do it get ad's from all your local stores and match the lowest price in there ad's. I go to Walmart grocery store so they price match for sure. If you don't want to read all the ad's and compare price's there are local bloggers that do it all for you. My fav in my area is
bargainbeliever I love this site. They do all the price matching for you.

2. Use coupons (any amount helps even if it is $2 lol )

3. Don't go to the store hungry. You will just buy whatever you do not need.

4. Make a list before you go of what you need.

5. Be over friendly to the cashiers because they might cut you some breaks on your price matching. hehe :O)

Here is my receipt I saved $5.45 I know its not much but it's a start lol.

I even find these nice flowers for $ 3.99 great deal

so happy saving . I can't wait to share more ways to save with you all.

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Another Weekend of being Sick

Last week I was not feeling to well. So I needed up in the ER again this past weekend. But now I'm doing better. I just hate it that for the last couple years I have been getting sick so much. I don't like blogging about this sometimes because I don't want anyone to think I just complain... But I just have to keep up with my plans of being positive and eating right. Going to still keep smiling. So please keep smiling with me mom's. I want to share some older photo's that help me keep smiling.

Julian picking up Candy from a B-day party for the first time.

Julian and Daddy flying a Kit.. wow

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


He is getting to be big and it makes me sad. But I know everything will be ok. Last night he can up to me and said "mama bath please". So I give him a bath and like me . Julian needs his me time He loves his bath and playing in there. I just sit there and watch how much fun he has playing with his cars. Also every night I read to him then we pray for everyone... He always says Amen before I'm done praying its funny because he laughs when he does it. Because I say wait wait baby I'm not done. It is so cute. Being a working mom I love every moment with my son. I wish I could stay home with him someday.

It is January 7 .2014 . PT is going good its been a long time. But we are starting to get to work on my strength. My pain in my neck is about 75% to 80% better but it is making me sad I wish i was doing better at this time.. But I have to keep positive.

This year i'm going to focus on my health. I have been eating a lot better . But I can do better. Its hard but the way you feel when you take care of your body is so much better. With  Advocare I will be ordering more soon. You need to take good supplements to help your body stay healthy. I also need to manage work and my home better. focus on work at work and home at home. I just miss Julian so much when i'm at work.

But I feel 2014 will be great. I will not let bad people bring me down.


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