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Tuesday, June 10, 2014


These days have got so much better with my pain. I miss blogging some much and happy to say I will have more energy to do the things I love. Thank you everyone for your support and prays. It means so much to me. Here is a cute photo of Julian with his baby bear. Also great news I have not been taking any pain meds. I'm so happy... Just need to keep positive.

I have some much to blog about but I got to get all my ducks in a roll. lol.

Also if anyone got any healthy lunch idea's for work ? It would help me so much

Hope everyone is having a good week

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  1. Good to hear from you, Nicole!! I'm glad you're feeling better but will continue to pray that it gets even better.

    Hmm...healthy lunch ideas...I always bring leftovers, freezer meals or salads. Or you can just make a bunch of chicken breasts at the beginning of the week, put them in tupperware, and then bring one each day with veggies/rice. Or soup...because you can make so much and bring it for many meals and even freeze the rest.

  2. God is so good. So glad you're feeling better. xo

  3. I am SO happy to hear this!! I hope you are still feeling better! No one should have to live in so much pain. :( I hope you have a great week ahead mama, you are a strong one!!


I love to hear from my blogger friends and thank you for supporting me. It means the world to me. I always reply back so look for my response here or in an email.. love ya