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Thursday, March 6, 2014


These days it's so hard to sit at the dinner table and eat like a family. Plus I need to clean off the the table with all my paper work. lol .I was reading that Kids who eat dinner with their families regularly are more emotionally stable and are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. They get better grades. They have fewer depressive symptoms, And they are less likely to become obese or have an eating disorder. Family dinners even help reading to your kids in terms of preparing them for school. Helps control for family connections with your family much better, family meals make families closer. I was amazed when I read this. My goal with my family is eat at the dinner table more and try to keep it up. Julian loves eating at the table.

Tips to make you want to eat at the table:

Get place mats for your table and put some pretty flowers in a small vase. Make it look inviting so you will want to sit there... Here is also A link I find Make meal time family time it has activities you can do with your family when you have meal time. I'm so going to try it..  

Tell me what is one thing you cook for dinner time for your family ? I would love to know. Plus I'm running out of quick meals during the 

Also Julian and I hope you are having a good week.

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