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Sunday, March 30, 2014

My Baby

So my son Julian will be 3 years old in April. Which makes me very very sad. Everyone keeps telling me he is a toddler now(a big boy) But to me he is not he is my baby. He is still a baby. My I know he is going to grow up but why now. So we have been potting training and I finally got pull ups. It was so hard. To me if he stops wearing a diaper then he might stop being a baby. I cried and cried when I was putting his last diaper on. But he doing so well with the potty training I'm so proud of him. You should see his face he gets so happy when he goes potty.

I guess this is a feeling I need to over come. I wonder if all moms find them self feeling like they are losing their babies at this age. But Julian does not seem to care. He is so happy to wear pull ups.

My do the times fly. But it save to say my baby is growing up...

and think I will be ok... :O)

Hope everyone had a good weekend 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Why I Love to Blog

So this last couple of days I have been thinking why do I love to blog? This is what I came up with.

I Love to give advice about things I love, like, want or need. ( I need to focus more on this )
I love meeting people. I have meet some great blog friends Thank you for reading my friends. You will never know how much it means to me.
I love the way my blog friends support me.
I love sharing moments with my family with you.
I love that I have a record of the things I blog
I love that I can see the progress of my health from my posts.
I love that my blog motivates me.

A couple years ago I never know of the blogging world. But I'm so happy to be a part of it. I feel like I have my own little part of the internet. lol. By having my blog I can express how I feel about things on my mind. Which I might not be able to if I did not have my blog. I don't have to keep it all bottled up. It helps my stress. lol 

But the main reason I blog I love helping my friends and if you see something in my blog that helps you I did my job.

and to get track of great times to remember with my baby boy..

Tuesday, March 18, 2014


                                                                        My Nephew.. Cute

Mini horse. My goodness. So cute.

Julian in his Cowboy hat. 

Mama and Julian trying to match

We had a really good time at the Rodeo Parade. Julian loved seeing all the horse's . Here in Arizona the Rodeo is huge. After the parade we were so tired. But great time.

On another note I love the week in work out. But all good things must come to an end. But I will still post my light works outs. I liked how it made me keep note of my process. It really motivated me... With work and school I really need to put I set time to blog every week because I really want to blog more..

Have a great Tuesday Everyone

Monday, March 10, 2014

Week in workout

Bliss to Bean

Monday: rest But walking a work at lunch and breaks
Tuesday: rest
Wednesday : 20 mins stationary bike
Thursday: Cervical Steroid Injection to my arm and neck... To help with my pain.Then I had to rest the next couple of days. You get really sore and some other side affects. But I hope this is a last one
Friday: rest
Saturday: rest
Sunday: rest 

Still taking all my supplements like my ADVOCARE OMEGAPLEX , Multi vitmins , and more... You need to take suppements it helps so much. Can you believe I use to take ibuprofen twice a day.. For the last 3 months I have not been since I know its because omegaplex. It helps with my joint pain..

Also I drink one protein drink a day,, 

Have a great week... I will be posting Julian and I at the Rodeo Parade ......Fun times 

Thursday, March 6, 2014


These days it's so hard to sit at the dinner table and eat like a family. Plus I need to clean off the the table with all my paper work. lol .I was reading that Kids who eat dinner with their families regularly are more emotionally stable and are less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. They get better grades. They have fewer depressive symptoms, And they are less likely to become obese or have an eating disorder. Family dinners even help reading to your kids in terms of preparing them for school. Helps control for family connections with your family much better, family meals make families closer. I was amazed when I read this. My goal with my family is eat at the dinner table more and try to keep it up. Julian loves eating at the table.

Tips to make you want to eat at the table:

Get place mats for your table and put some pretty flowers in a small vase. Make it look inviting so you will want to sit there... Here is also A link I find Make meal time family time it has activities you can do with your family when you have meal time. I'm so going to try it..  

Tell me what is one thing you cook for dinner time for your family ? I would love to know. Plus I'm running out of quick meals during the 

Also Julian and I hope you are having a good week.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Week in workout

Monday: REST
Tuesday: Physical therapy
Wednesday : Rest
Thursday: Physical therapy
Friday: 30 min exerice bike
Saturday: rest
Sunday: Walking for 40 mins again  and still walking at work on breaks .. 

It was a hard week but I did it. My pain was better . My right arm is still hurting a lot from my neck ..I wish I could stop blogging about pain or you guys are going to stop reading my blog.

no worries I got good things to post... just trying to balance work ,school and pain.. Your going to see great things..