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Sunday, December 8, 2013

missing my blog friend's

This got to be a crazy week. I know I have not been blogging a lot. Be everything will be back to normal this week. With all my doctor Appointments , working , taking care of the family. It's hard to find time to do the things you love. Like blogging. But I can honestly say with all the health issues I have been having with my body. I'm finally starting to feel better. I have not felt this good in months. But I still have my bad days. But more good then bad. Thank u God. I still attend physical therapy I still have a way to go. But back to you my blogging friend's I miss you so and promise to blog up a storm soon again. Lol. P.s I finally was able to clean out my spare bedroom. What u guys do this weekend ? I would love to know . Get anything out of the way you been meaning to do?. Hope everyone has a wonderful week.

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  1. So glad you've been feeling better. We all get busy! Yay for cleaning out the spare room. I have a lot of cleaning out and organizing to do. Hope to hear more from you soon! xoxo

    1. Thank u Laurie you saying glad I'm feeling better means so much. I have organizing to do too. I need to take organization class lol. Do

  2. Yay, I'm glad it's getting better for you!! I hope it continues to stay that way!
    And I always have the longest to do list on the weekends and we get nothing accomplished! It's way more fun to just play the whole time, ha ha!


I love to hear from my blogger friends and thank you for supporting me. It means the world to me. I always reply back so look for my response here or in an email.. love ya