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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bye Bye 2013 Hello 2014

This Year was a great year Watching Julian grow up into a toddler and talking more and more everyday. Two nights ago I said I love you baby and he said I LOVE you too Mommy. I was so happy to hear him say that. This year I tired to balance my work , Health and spending time with Julian and Big Bubba and all the rest of my family. I did it but stressed out to much on trying to juggling everything. In 2014 I will learn how relax way more and just enjoy life with my family. Not going to let people with drama in there life affect my life. Hello 2014 :O)

This year I have meet some great people blogging (friends) I look forward to sharing so much more with you. I love that there are so many positive blogger friends around me. You all  inspire me... Thank you for your support now and in the future Hope everyone as a great New Years and please be safe... And Julian Says Bye firetruck lol

                                                               Happy New year

P.s. I tired editing our eye's but it did not work out lol eye another thing 2014 work on my editing skills

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  1. Here's to a new year and new adventures! :)
    xo TJ

  2. Yay for the New Year!! Cute picture of you two. I bet that made you cry when he said I love you too!! ahhh can't wait!

  3. Totally hard to find balance sometimes. Happy New Year to you and yours! Looking forward to see all the fun stuff you post! xo

    1. thank you .. I look forward to posting more fun things for you :O)

  4. So sweet! I can't wait to hear Mia say I love you for the first time :)
    Happy new year, my friend!

    1. You will feel so much joy when it happens :O) Happy New Year also my friend :O)

  5. Hey! I am your newest follower. I blog over at Mrs. Mama ( Your family is super cute. I look forward to getting to know you better as I follow your blog. I found your ad on Bliss to Bean. I thought you had a cute blog name so I clicked and I'm so glad I did.


I love to hear from my blogger friends and thank you for supporting me. It means the world to me. I always reply back so look for my response here or in an email.. love ya