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Sunday, November 27, 2016


Thankful to everyone in my life and to all I'm blessed with these past years. I have been through so much and the last couple years. Here is the Link I posted living with Thoracic outlet syndrome HERE if you like to read more on it. I now take it day by day, I Stay positive and talk positive. Here are 5 things I'm so thankful for...

1. My loved one's and friends who have been there for me. Sometimes you just need someone to listen to you and just spend time with you. Someone to just take you out for Starbucks or donuts. lol
For awhile after my surgeries I just did not want to go out of the house. But my mom was of course was always there and got me out of the house just for a bit. Also for the outlet of blogging and meeting great blogging friends and great friends on Instagram.

2, So Thankful for less pain. I'm still having pain but my arms and body or much stronger then before my surgeries. Something I thought would never happen.

3. Thankful for moments with my 5 year old son. Now that my body is constantly getting healthier and stronger I'm able to take my son to school every morning and pick him up and do all the mommy things I love. I can do all this with out being tired all the time. I myself starting taking a math class at the local community college. It been a great way to get my mind of my health.

4. I know this is silly but I'm just thankful for being alive to breath the air and look at the blue sky, After you go through something so bad you cherish the little things in life. I just cherish looking into my son's eye's and hearing him laugh. Just love being with him and his daddy. Making more moments with our little family

5. I been blessed to not being a afraid to try new things and I want to help more people know that life is wonderful and times get stressed but if you have your loved ones and people you care about it will be ok. I just wanted to post this before the Thanksgiving Weekend was over ..... I'm just happy and thankful for Life......................

6. I just had to add one more. Don't forget to say Thank you . Just those two words mean the world to me.  Thank you again for supporting me..

Have a great week my friends .............


Thursday, October 13, 2016


This week we went to the Pumpkin patch and it was a much needed break. We have been so busy I have had no time to blog. But of course I will manage my time better and with me taking a class at local community college. Also helping with my sons kinder class and normal mamma duties. I have more homework then I thought but taking this class is great. It's always nice to do something for your self.

So I have a couple of tips for going to the Pumpkin patch and having fun with the family.

TIP 1: Wear sneakers (shoes) I know this sounds silly But the first year I went I wore sandals and my feet hurt , got really dirty walking in the patch and just hurt from walking around so much, This year we all wore shoes and we were able to walk so much more and not get so tired,

TIP 2: Bring a backpack. A backpack so your don't have a hold everything being the mom. lol.  Just use an old backpack we used Julian's from school last year. It worked perfect and their is a side open pocket to fit a water bottle or water you may buy there.  We also bought a reusable cup for five dollars and to refill it was a dollar. We thought this was better then buying a drink for three dollars each time. Save money 

TIP 3: Things I put in our backpack. I got bug spray, hand sanitizer (for the petting zoo lol) Also a cloth to wipe my sons head because he sweats really easy or take wipes.

TIP 4: Hat or glasses for your little one and of course for you and daddy. lol

TIP 5: We drink water the whole time and we stayed longer because we were not all dehydrated..

Hope these tips help and just have fun ...............I love fall

Daddy and Julian way in the patch lol

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Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

With my son in Kindergarten we really have to stuck to a routine and it's been a little hard. But we are doing it. I should of started school later on for me. But we will get the hang of it. Julian got homework are being in kinder its sure a lot. But we all love doing our homework together. lol

Little tips that help me everyday feel a little better about my day.

Tip 1 I iron my son's clothes at night or pick them out for him. If I don't iron I do it the morning of school. 

Tip 2 We wake up the same time every week day and eat before school. I know that sounds silly but sometimes people don't eat. My son eats two bowls of cereal and I eat a breakfast bar or something like that. I can't eat right away when I wake up my tummy is sensitive. But I Noticed for myself a little something to eat starts my day off better.

Tip 3 I drink cold water right away this helps wake me up and I try to drink it all day.

Tip 4 I just started this in the summer but make sure I have a dishes washed the night before. This helps because the next morning I can just start my day and don't feel overwhelmed 

Tip 5 I try not to sweat the small things .The first thing to do when my son gets home is his homework. Homework is important and number one. It needs to be done. If I can get to that load of clothes it is ok. On less we need underwear lol 

Just a couple of tips for you. I'm not perfect and I'm working on them everyday,,, All you can do it do your best.. I know blogging is something I love and I'm still learning how to manage my time... But I know I will get better. Hope everyone as a amazing week ..........

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Monday, August 29, 2016

5 Tips to make you feel better about getting older in life

Hey my friends happy Monday hope everyone had a great start to the week. Mine was busy and still busy. But if I can't get my blog post up Sunday's I'm going to shoot for Monday. But I like Sunday's. Last week was my first week back at school. I'm going to the local community college, I love it but I wish I was done. If I did not have all my these health issues and surgeries this past couple of years I would have been done. I'm going back to get my degree in social work. But now I'm going to be 35 in a couple days and feel like I lost all this time, Sorry I guess I'm just like this right now because my birthday will be here and I thought I would have done more in my life by now. Anyone ever feel like that? Don't get me wrong I'm so happy I have my son and his got a great daddy. I just want to make sure Julian gets everything he needs and more.. 35 is just getting to me . So today I'm going to give you 5 tips on how to feel better when you get the blues about getting older. lol These are helping me forget about my Birthday blues... lol

Tip 1 I keep telling myself it is just a number you just need to take care of your self. If you don't take care of your self your body feels older. I really want to start Yoga or something like that..

Tip 2 Dress up if you want to dress up. Sometimes picking my son up at school and just on a shirt and shorts.. But I need to take time to pick out my clothes like I use too.

3. Plan your self a get together with your family or friends, Just because your older does not mean you can't throw your self a little something. lol

4. You earned it. Buy your self something you really wanted, You do so much for everyone get it. lol. Nice thing about not being a kid anymore is you have some money. lol

5. look to the future,, I noticed I was just caught up on the past and negative things. I got so many good things happening. Now my health is better, I started school, my so loves school, I do what makes me happy now. Like this blog. I just try not to over think it.. SO HAPPY B DAY TO EVERYONE WHO GOT A BIRTHDAY IN AUGUST.. thank you for stopping by love you

Follow me on Instagram @mamashiptips  I post daily

Starbucks makes me happy and I hear you get a free drink on your Birthday if you sign up for the awards program.
This is not them telling me to let everyone. lol, This something I find out because i signed up and it is free and you earn points when you buy drinks. The points can be used to get free food or drinks. 

Tip I just load my Starbucks card every two weeks to budget myself. I do
10 -15 dollars and when I ran out I have to wait till it rounds two weeks again.
Because you know it is pricey ,, But I love it. They can also reload your card at the
store so you don't have to put a debit card on file..

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Sunday, August 21, 2016

99 Cent only store finds for crafts and Kindergarten learning tools

Hey My friends happy Sunday and I'm loving posting on Sunday. We have had a crazy week and last Sunday was crazy and I missed a post. But now we have a good routine during the week. So now it makes the weekend more open to do my blogging. So Julian is loving Kinder and I wanted to share some great crafts and learning tools I found at the 99 cent only store. Crafts that you can add to your collection for helping you child with homework projects and more. Also I find learning activities you can do at home to help them practice their numbers and letters. Lets get Started my friends......

I find Glitter Glue, foam sheets, pom poms and fun foam shapes.

Close up of the foam shapes..

Craft sticks you can use these for so many projects.

Alphabet blocks I was so happy when I find these Julian is
working on learning his letters and I just did not want to use flash cards

Magnetic wooden numbers so cool they stick to any surface.

This was a great find It was $1.99 but it is a whole pack with doodle pad, construction pad,over 100 stickers, 4pk crayons and coloring growing chart. wow great deal

This is my calculator I start my math class at our local community college..  So happy to go back. If you have a 99 cent only store near you I would check it out. These are all my finds and things I thought were cool for our kidos. hope everyone having a great Sunday

Also Thank you to Erin with lovefunandfootball for updating my blog I just love it and her blog is always fun to read so go
check her out.

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Monday, August 8, 2016

FIRST DAY OF KINDERGARTEN 5 tips to make your your child feel better

Hey my friends happy Monday. So my son first day of kinder was last Thursday. He is loving it but it is a bit hard for him to leave me all day. But I just tell him he is going to have fun and a good day. He likes me to wave to him till he gets in the room. It is hard for me too. It was really hard to let him go. But I know it is for the best.

I have a couple tips for your little one going to kinder to make them feel better.

Tip 1 Put a picture of your family in there back pack till they get use to you being awhile.

Tip 2  Write a little note in there lunch box. Julian knows what love you looks like so he loves that ..

Tip 3 Just be positive for you and your little one. This is a very overwhelming time for both of you.

Tip 4 Don't be shy to talk to their teacher with any concerns. Remember they are there to talk to you too. They want your child to have a good experience. If you have any concerns better to nip it in the butt right away.

Tip 5 Make time to do homework or recapping of what they did at school. So your child knows your just as excited for school as they are. They told us about 45 mins or less everyday would be great to do at home.

Hope everyone as a great week and hope this helped a bit
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Sunday, August 7, 2016

Sorry my friends ( post will be up tomorrow)

I know It's Sunday and I mean to post Sundays. It as been a crazy couple of weeks something is always coming up and we are gone all day. So I'm going to keep posting Sunday but if it gets pushed it will be Monday. I'm going to get a new computer too. I can't wait my screen broke on mine so I have to drive and use my sister's computer or I use my kindle I have a little keyboard with it. I love it but the words are hard to see when I write. lol  I feel so bad because it delays everything for me. I don't see my emails right away. Sorry to everyone again. Also if anyone knows a good brand lab top let me know in the comments. I had a HP I liked it but I know there better ones out there. I just can't spend to much right now. I also starting my online class towards my social work degree and this was a bad time for my computer to break. lol

But I just want everyone to have a great week .I HEARD someone say today that every time you woke up and see the sun and breath the air it's a blessing.. So just make everyday a good day.

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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Moms need to take time too ( 5 tips )

Hey my friends how are doing ? My family and I just went on vacation and we had a blast. But this is the first time that I took time for myself. I got ready each time we went out. It made me feel so much better hanging out in a different town with my family.  Here are some good times we had and five tips take time for you mom. lol

Tip 1: I know it is hard but if you have time while the kids are resting take time and put on easy makeup and put on a simple cute outfit. I just put on cute shorts from target and a simple blouse. I just put on tint moisturizer with SPF 30 because we were in the sun a lot, stick concealer,bronze,Mac powder and mascara.

Tip 2: Buy a body mist. I just bought a body mist at Bath & body works... On sale for $3. Perfect for the trip nice and fresh.. Spray and go

Tip 3: Shop Groupon I got a spa package for the resort I was staying at way less then buying it at the resort spa.

Tip 4: Don't be afraid to ask someone to watch the kids. So you can step out and walk around and just take it all in.

Tip 5: Just live in the moment and pick at least one activity you want to do. Like I picked Ikea trip. lol. It was something I really wanted to do and don't feel bad because you already did the fun family things

This trip was so fun and sorry my friends I know it is Wednesday. We got back on Monday and we been getting ready for Julian to start Kinder.. But I will have a post up Sunday again,,, For sure. Hope everyone is having a great week. 


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Back To School ( Target Wins )

Can you believe it Julian start's kindergarten this year my baby is five and growing. It makes me sad but I will be fine. So we did go to Target like I said in an earlier blog But I wanted to show you some of our back to school buys.. I really like going to target for my back to school finds because they are really organized. They have a back to school section in the back and everything you need is there. I did look at Walmart and they did have a back to school section but supplies were still all scattered around the Store. The backpacks were by the shoes. The backpacks were $24 or more and the material did not look very strong. I do love Walmart so this made me sad. Also the character bags you could match up your backpack to your lunch box and it was hard to do that at Walmart. One more thing I loved is if Target ran out of a school supply or backpacks they would re stock it on the floor immediately. Walmart did not seem to do that. I asked them and they just said sorry they go fast. I so understand that happens but they could of told me they were going to re stock or something lol. These are just my thoughts because I do like both places. Just Target seems to have there stuff together when it comes to back to school.

Here are my Target finds.....

Julian is really into Ninja Turtles now. I got this backpack for $15.99
and Lunch box for $7.99

I got the markers , Crayons , Colored pencils for 97 cents. I cant't
remember how much the composition note book was but it was really low price.

I got this last year from Nana O and have put it to the side
because I wanted to save it for this year and I can't            
wait to display some of his school work in his room.          
She got this from the dollar spot at Target.

      I also got a Ninja turtle insulated bottle for water or any drinks he takes.
I also got this Arctic Cove brand at Home Depot. It was only $5.99
It's got a mister on it also so he can stray his face when he gets hot. we been using for basketball practice
Hot in Arizona lol

I hope this helps you my friends and have a great week

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Thursday, July 21, 2016


Hey my friends it's been a crazy two weeks but my goal is still to blog every Sunday and I Will still be doing that. I have some great tips coming along and my blog is going to be updated soon. Yay. Thank you Erin so so much.  My family and I just been getting ready for Julian to start kinder and we are so happy .. He is growing so fast. I find some great deals at Target today. Backpack for 15.99 and lunch box for 7.99. I went to Walmart but the bags were 24.00 and more and looked very cheap. Also it was crazy packed there. I love Walmart I buy my food there all the time. But Target was nice and quiet and better deals .... So save away ... Till Sunday ... Have a great weekend

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Monday, July 11, 2016

Life is short.

Hello to all my friends sorry I did not post this Sunday its been a crazy week. I hate to talk about this but I just want to let all you know life is short and we need to make the best of everyday. This past forth of July my dear cousin passed of breast cancer. She was only in her 30's. She was a great person. Always worried about my health when she was going though something much worse in my eye's. She understood me in a different way then anyone. She understand how I felt leaving with pain everyday due to me having Thoracic outlet syndrome. She was so pretty and always was supportive of me. Just goes to show you life is short.I'm always upset of how I feel and maybe I'm just being a baby. She was always so positive ... I MISS YOU AND NOW YOUR IN HAVEN LOOKING OVER US.. Till next week my friends. Love ya

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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Five Summer Tips To Save Money........

Hello my friends we are having a great time this summer and hope you are too. I just wanted to share some money saving tips for the summer. We just booked our Vacation in Scottsdale AZ and are so happy. But we have been watching our money very careful so we can save for our trip. So I would like to share some money saving tips.

Mama's Hip Tip #1 Make crock pot dinners during the week and put away the leftovers. Julian loves Mac and Cheese so I found a quick and easy recipe online and we ate it for dinner that night and the next day he had it for lunch. It saved us from going out to eat.

Mama's Hip Tip #2 Here are really cute arts and crafts for kids I bought at the Dollar spot at Target. There are some for 3 dollars and less. I got a garden stepping you can paint and we put it in our little
garden after Julian panted it. It's nice for the kids to do arts and crafts because we have some much time in the summer. Julian always wants to watch t.v and i don't want that.

Mama's Hip Tip #3 If a family member gives you projects you can do with you kids that is great and you don't spend a thing. My mother -in- law give us some herbs and small planting kits. This is great because she knows Julian loves to plant.  It's free!!!

Mama's Hip Tips #4 Check local blogs because a lot will post what you can do weekly for the summer. They post free activities to do with the family that are happening around town.

Mama's Hip Tip # 5 Go on Groupon ...I went on there and found family activities for less then usual. Things that we could never do because it cost to much , But when we buy on Groupon it is so much less.  Like going to the New Jump Time. Its where you can jump on 5,000 square foot trampoline. Got it for $9. What a deal!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope this helps my friends and don't forget to put on the Sun Screen..........





Have a great Forth and please leave me a comment I LOVE to read and reply... God Bless America !!

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Sunday, June 26, 2016

Quick moment

Hello my blogger friends hope everyone is having a great summer. We have been having a great time. Julian is playing basketball this summer and we have just been trying to rest and just have fun. We hope to go to Scottsdale Az in July.. We just love staying at a resort there. We finally to our family photo's... Yay I will post soon. I have to been trying to get myself out there and spend time with people I love I have not done that in forever... I got sick and I just got stuck in that mode for a long time. But now it's time to get out. So I'm going to blog every Sunday for sure. I feel in my heart I love my blog and just want to be out there to help anyone and just to show moments of my life. That things do get better. I have great news soon. So stayed posted and see you next Sunday for my start of blogging with mamas tips, fun , food , inspiration and so much more 


Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Spring Time At The Park ( Budget Friendly idea's For Fun At The Park.)

 Hello to all my friends I have a couple idea's for budget friendly activities you can do when you are visiting your favorite park. Every penny you can save this spring and summer is great because before we know it the beginning of the school year will be here. All of us mom's know that's when we have to buy school clothes and all the supplies. I was recently introduced to a site where you can set a budget and manage your money if that will help you stay on track for supplies too, This is a great site it's called Personal Capital's financial software tools and app So lets have fun in the sun.

Number one tip take a trip to the dollar store. One of my favorite spots to go to get fun activities is the dollar tree. My son just turned five and he is really into exploring and bugs. Can you believe I found two bug catching kits for one dollar. We are going to find some bugs. Another activity I found was finger shooters. Finger shooters for foam and safe to play. All you do is pull back with your finger and they launch. My third find was magnet horse shoes. I have never seen these before so I had to get them. Horse shoes for perfect for the park. When I was a little girl my dad would play real horse shoes at the park. So I had to get them and they are save. My forth find was bubbles every kid loves bubbles. Again everything was a dollar.

My second tip is to go to Walmart. A great place to get budget friendly activities. I got a bubble machine for around 9 dollars. Its called the Gazillion Tornado Premium Bubble Machine, Also I got a bowling set for around 7 dollars and don't forget the caulk it was only 97 cents. It's always good to have more the one options for your kids to play with at the park because being smaller they like to move on to other things quicker.

My third tip is make or pick up easy picnic food. BLT sandwiches are good to make , pasta salad , and fresh fruit. Today we went to Walmart and got an already made sub sandwich for 5 dollars. It is always good to have water. Water is better then soda because it is so hot. But anything you have at home to make saves money. I also used the ice from my ice machine for our ice chest. Remember every dollar counts.

My fourth tip is look around your house for fun activities to do at the park. I found a football and some other balls and a tennis set we had that we never played. Like I said anything you have saves money and who does not want to save.

My final tip. Just have fun with your family. These days we are always in a hurry and it is just nice to get out and breath in that fresh air and relax.

Here are photo's of are fun time at the park!!

Have a great day everyone and great week. 

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Monday, May 9, 2016

Mother's day

Hope everyone one had a great Mother's day. Julian made me a Mother's day gift at preschool. They were a flower and wind chime. It was the best gift every. Later that night we just went to dinner and came home. Nothing big just family time.

So to every mom out there. Sometimes things get stressful but your not alone. Don't doubt your self because you are a wonderful mom. Not everyone is perfect but your kids love you always. Hope every as a great week.

Love from Julian and I

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